Kiosks at the VA

Some time back the VA installed kiosks all over the Health facilities.

They have a number of uses but probably the two most used is to check in to any appointments there in any of the clinics.  It can be a time saver if there happens to be a line trying to check in wherever your appointment should be.

Another big use is for requesting travel pay for showing up for any appointment if you meet the requirements.

In another post I will try to set down the criteria for collecting travel pay. 

Basically you can collect travel pay for appointments you keep at the VA and it is able to go back one month.  Pretty much use it or lose it.

Even going to the VA for labs requested by your Primary Care Physician rates travel pay.

The amount is determined from your distance in mileage from your place of residence to the designated facility.

Like disability compensation, that amount that is deposited into your bank account is tax exempt - just like your disability compensation. 


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