Recreational Therapy

The Phoenix VA has instituted a recreational therapy program for veterans where many activities are set up to provide veterans with activities designed to provoke interest in areas intended for a more productive and useful existence.

The official website is:

Programs are available to promote better physical fitness like Yoga and Tai Chi and strength training.

There are creative arts programs for veterans to become comfortable in things like art and pottery, working with leather and ceramics.

Also specialty programs like Biofeedback (having anxiety measured and being guidance on how to reduce it), basic computer training and Adaptive Sports programs.

These programs and the hours they are offered can be located in the Topaz Clinic which is located in the Basement of the Main VA Hospital on the 3rd Street entrance side.

All the programs are free and materials are also provided free to veterans.

Generally the only thing required is a referral from your Primary Care (PC) physician.

In the Topaz clinic you can get a list of all programs offered and the times they are offered. Here's a schedule subject to change.
