3 Main Vet Centers

There are 3 main Vet Centers in the general Phoenix area.

They are actually not a part of the VA  system directly but are closely aligned to it.

Their purpose is primarily to help COMBAT veterans and spouses.

Vet Centers are community based and part of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. ... The goal of the Vet Center program is to provide a broad range of counseling, outreach, and referral services to eligible veterans in order to help them make a satisfying post-war readjustment to civilian life.


The Vet Center in Phoenix is located at 4020 N. 20th St. #110
Just south of Indian School Rd. on 20th Street in Phoenix


The Vet Center in Mesa is located at 1303 S. Longmore, Suite 5
Just south of Southern at Longmore (between Dobson and Alma School) in Mesa


The 3rd Vet Center on the west side is located at 14050 North 83rd Avenue, Suite 170.  That's 83rd Avenue just north of Thunderbird Road.



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